Reason 1: Many financial advisors don’t even know about this. Nor, do they know how to utilize it properly to get you the most value..
Reason 2: Financial advisors recommend financial vehicles that pay them the highest commissions rather than put your interests at heart.
Reason 3: The advisor can’t charge you yearly management fees so it’s not worth it for them to use it.
As a result, less than 20% of Americans have what we call a "SRA" account set up—while more than half the population lets their money just sit as a lump sum without proper protection from running out.
You have fees: Whether you know it or not you have a handful of fees that are slowly draining your retirement savings.
Your money is not guaranteed and protected: The money many times in your 401(k) or IRA moves with the market, and has very limited downside protection.
If you live long enough, you will run out of money: Eventually, you will run out of money once you begin to take out withdrawals.
✅ You don’t have any plan fees: Keep 100% of your hard earned money as you should.
✅ Your money grows when the market goes up and never decreases — even if the market crashes.
✅ Some of your money is Liquid: You can withdraw a certain percentage each year—at any time—without penalty.
✅ Your money is protected: Regardless how the market performs, you will have the peace of mind knowing that you will never lose money and is 100% protected from all creditors. Creditor protection in 401(k)s and 403(b) accounts may be limited.
✅ Your money will last throughout your lifetime...and beyond: You can elect to maximize your income during your life or set the account up to provide a legacy for your loved ones or a charity of your choice when you pass away.
And there are many more wonderful fiscal things you can do with an account like this...
In fact, an Account like a SRA is not a new investment strategy.
Accounts like these have been used by wealthy individuals and families for over 100 years to build, then pass on fortunes.
The only question is...
Do You Qualify For A Secure Retirement Account?
A SRA account is NOT available just to the super-rich…
However: an account like this can only be technically set up if you or your family qualify for it.
To discover if you qualify for a SRA, take our 30 second survey below.